Thursday, November 12, 2015

Not another "Climate Change Conference"

Get ready to duck and take cover. It's time for another of my "I hate the global warming hyperbole" rant. Oh wait, I almost forgot that those advocates of humans controlling temperature have changed the name of their theory to climate change, as they often change the language to make their position seem more logical.  The World Bank has just released a statement that climate change could push more than 100 million people into extreme poverty by 2030 by disrupting agriculture and fueling the spread of malaria and other diseases.

This was released  a few weeks ahead of another of those feel good  U.N. climate summits. The WB report highlighted how, in their opinion, the impact of global warming is borne unevenly, with the world's poor woefully unprepared to deal with climate shocks such as rising seas or severe droughts. "They have fewer resources and receive less support from family, community, the financial system, and even social safety nets to prevent, cope and adapt," the World Bank said. Those who say that rich countries aren't doing enough to help the poor said the report added demands for billions of dollars in so-called climate finance to developing countries.

Ah! There it is. It's another of those reasons for the wealthy nations to give away their money to the poorer ones. They seem to like doing that, because it's both politically correct and because bribing the third world with cash in the name of saving the planet keeps the poor masses quieter and less threatening to the west. Problem is that in many ways the climate alarmists are losing the debate on man caused global warming and climate change. The dire scenarios predicted by their computer modeling have failed to materialize. All of the glaring differences between their computer-modelled temperature predictions and empirically measured global temperature are becoming plain for everyone to see.

Nobel laureate in physics Richard Feynman once described science as "the belief in the ignorance of experts."  I like that because it does at least make some people think twice before blindly accepting what the "experts' push as sacred truth. The very first scientific society, The Royal Society, adopted the motto: "Take nobody's word for it." Questioning is the stock-in-trade of scientists. It is the way we discover new things and the way we keep science honest. But global warming fanatics do not like questioning of their theory. Without the ability to question conclusions, science degenerates into politics and pseudo religion. And that's a big part of the climate change hysteria today.

To take those climate change theories as the basis for giving away money to underdeveloped nations, who pollute more per capita than the developed ones, is idiotic. The climate change advocates  feel so much guilt about their mean spirited behavior toward the "planet" in the name of saving the world that they are becoming a cartoon of what was once a serious issue to be discussed and investigated.  A problem with climate science is that the data that should backup the alarming conclusions of the establishment, and that data is not there. In fact climate change data shows little link between man-made CO2 and global temperature.

Climate change believers who have been predicting far more warming than has been observed are on the defensive, because their failures are well documented.  So they hold more conferences to promote more theories and alleged facts, to scare more people, to make themselves and their believers feel better.  They have even asked President Obama to invoke the 'Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO)' act to prosecute as mobsters their fellow scientists who dare to disagree with them. I'm not kidding. If you are a scientist and you speak against the climate change spiel you might be prosecuted as a mobster. So much for science being about open minded discovery.

But do-gooders do have limits. What will make the save the planet politicians pause at that climate summit is the enormity of what they demand. They want to make enormous payments to developing nations and undertake an enormous curtailment of industrial activity in the developed world, further shifting it to those developing nations. The poor nations must be jumping for joy to see that the industrial world wants to give away both its money and industry to their nations.

None of this legitimately addresses any concerns about carbon dioxide, however misguided. It only shifts carbon emissions from one location to another, giving corrupt politicians and bureaucrats in the developed world a chance to claim success and cheers from their save the planet voting constituencies before people realize that they have been duped again by the pervasive propaganda, while the poor nation's politicians and dictators who receive their gifts will have more money to steal from their poor populations.

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