Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Too Long Lasting

What's a lawyer to do when business isn't active? Perhaps,  file a frivolous lawsuit for a client.  So it's no surprise to read today that a California man named Henry Wolfe has sued BMW  and a motorcycle seat maker claiming that a four hour round trip ride on his 1993 BMW bike with a "ridge-like" seat gave him a "persistent, lasting erection" that's lasted 20 months and counting. Oh, my. He's claiming the motorcycle seat gave him a long lasting erection. Uh, what's the damage there? Haha  This is "hard" to believe.  Wolf says he was embarrassed to be frisky all a day long. He wants compensation from BMW and  the Seat maker, Corbin Inc.,  for lost wages, medical expenses, emotional distress and general damage because the erection problem still "comes up" from time to time. Hmmmmm BMW and Corbin hope they don't get a "stiff fine' for this.

I think his suit will fail amid quite a bit of penis jokes in the jury room, but one effect may be an increase in sales of those motorcycle seats. The seat maker should send send a thank you note to Mr. Wolfe and gear up increased production at the factory. And Corbin may have to make some modifications in its advertising and product use. I think the user manual should clearly state that women should NOT ride in front of male users of  a Corbin seat. And a warning or two like, "Caution: user may be embarrasses if in church, school or a grocery store after use" would help.

I suggest some new advertising slogans for Corbin. How about:
- "Our seats are as long lasting as your erection"
- " Our seat are low but but give a high rise"
- "The always more exciting ride!"
- "Who needs Viagra when he has Corbin"
- "You'll love our seats...literally"
- "Our seats are never heard, but you will be"
- "Corbin and love muscles...a lasting marriage"
- "Corbin seats: Favored by women everywhere"

Haha Be careful which bike seat you buy for your bike.

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