Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Organ Harvesting On Facebook

How big is Facebook? Some people would say "too big", given one can do just about everything there except go to the bathroom. I just found out that Face book has a new option that might explain why it's the biggest web site ever. They just added an option that lets people register as organ donors.

Yep! They are even harvesting organs at Face book. The option allows users to share their decision to be an organ donor on the web site. Hmmmm Does this mean that being an organ donor is a chick magnet? The things we men will do to catch the eye of a lady go to no end.

In the first few days the organ donor option was added more than 100, 000 people signed up. Most Americans (over 40% are already registered as organ donors) register to donate their organs when obtaining a driver's license, as they are asked if they wish to do so at that time. When registering at Face book a link is tied into it that also registers the fact that the person will give organs after death. So it makes the "you can have my liver" official.

I guess the old spam E mail that claimed organs were kidnapped in hotel bathrooms after the guest was drugged and surgically separated from his or her kidney is being replaced by a Face book harvest. But this organ donation app is a good one. In the United States there are more than 100,000 people are on organ waiting lists, essentially waiting for someone else to die under the special circumstances that allow organ transplants.

Unfortunately, less than 1% of potential organ donors meet those circumstances. Some times people are rejected when offering their favorite organ at the donation buffet. I have inside info about some and why they were turned down. Here are a few examples.

* Mariah Carey offered to donate her voice box but no one could stand the over emoting that Mariah calls "singing".
* President Obama tried to offer his heart but politicians don't have those
* Lindsay Lohan's liver isn't eligible because it is already preserved in alcohol
* Kim Kardashian's butt....too big for anyone
* Willie Nelson wanted to leave his kidney but the marijuana couldn't be flushed out
* I offered my brain and they just laughed

Well, at least I tried to donate!

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