Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Let Them Eat Cake and Hot Dogs Too

The critics are after Presidential Obama again. No, no...not critics of his policies. These are doctors who want to be food critics because they have organized into a group they call 'The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine' to promote a politically correct "healthy diet" (it hurts to type that). The doctors plan to file a petition asking for "an executive order banning staged official photo opts that depict the president, the first family, the vice president, and members of the president's cabinet with unhealthy foods that include processed meats than can cause cancer and obesity."

Those crazy doctors want to eliminate my entire diet! It's hard to find much to like about Obama, so why do they want to stop him from doing one of the few things I support, eating hamburgers and hot dogs on camera? It's another example of an authority demonizing (no doubt for publicity purposes as much as intent to promote a healthy diet) a particular food or food group. They are shoving political correctness down our throats and that is the most unhealthy diet of all.

Don't those doctors understand that hamburgers and hot dogs and the rest of what they label as unhealthy are food for the soul, not the body. Humans need to to eat both the so called "healthy foods' and the fatty but good tasting ones too. One who feeds only his body and not the soul winds up like the skinny surely, self righteous vegans or vegetarians that always seem to need an enema to be pleasant.

Food choices are and should always be an individuals right and responsibility, not the province of self righteous food police organizations like those docs have formed. The docs want Obama to eat his hamburgers in private so as to not "set a bad example". Surely the doctors know that eating hot dogs and hamburgers don't kill. Eating too many of them do. I wonder what they expect Obama to eat publicly? Broccoli or salad? Who would vote for a person that eats that mush when at a sporting event or barbecue?

Those doctors should spend more time promoting and educating the public the foods they see as better choices (perhaps leaner hamburgers and less fatty hot dogs) rather than accusing Obama of setting bad food examples. It seems those docs also should spend more of their time seeing their patients than lobbying food police issues. Besides, during the past 3 years President Obama has found many other more dangerous ways, via his crazy policies, to destroy the United States than has he harmed it by eating hamburgers in public.

I think I'll have a juicy fat hamburger for lunch today. Yes, those docs inspired me to make that better food choice....soul food choice, that is.

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