Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Single Survey In America

There's a dating web site, the largest of them all I believe, called match.com.  People go their to find a love partner (ok, and some just to fins sex), but occasionally match.com asks them their opinions about romance. I read in my newspaper checked it on line the latest match.com survey called Singles in America.  It asked 5000 of the members to evaluate single lifestyles and opinions, questions as serious as, "How long does it take for you to recover from a broken romance" to ridiculous questions like, "Who has more orgasms, men or women?" But aside from that, the survey is supposed to be representative of what singles think about all matters of romance.

Here are some of the conclusions of the survey for you to refute, approve or ignore.
-Men fall in love just as often as women do and are more likely to experience love at first sight. By age 30, 58% of men who say they have been in love and believe in love at first sight have experienced it, compared to 51% of women.
-Men are more likely to show their love and affection in public. 41% of men would be very comfortable kissing in public, versus 31% of women.
-Men are more willing to make a commitment without being in love or feeling sexually attracted to their partner. Men are more likely than women to be willing to make a commitment to someone who has everything they are looking for in a partner, but whom they are not in love with (31% of men and 23% of women). And they're also willing to make a commitment to someone who has everything they are looking for in a partner, but don't find sexually attractive (26% of men and 22% of women).
-Men find loneliness just as stressful as women do, as 31% of men and 33% of women report that they find loneliness to be "very stressful" or "somewhat stressful." And men are more likely to report that loneliness is a challenging aspect of being single (27% of men and 22% of women).
-When it comes to cohabitation, men want to commit sooner than women. Contrary to popular belief, when dating a new partner, 46% of men and 26% of women would expect to move in together before they'd been dating someone for less than a year.

What about all the age old stereotypes of single women as desperate creatures stalking men in order to marry and settle down or the one that says men run from commitments or marriage and must be "caught' or will forever flee and reside in singledom? The survey answers all tended to refute those things, but the question that comes to mind is whether the 5000 respondents answered the way they thought they should or what they really believe.  The answers seemed to more reflect the opposite....that women are just as sexual as men, and men are just as romantic as women. Well, maybe those other men. Haha No need to worry that I will get romantic here.  But the real value of this survey is to remind is that people behave less according to sex role expectations and more as individual humans without regard to their sex.

It's your turn. What sex stereotypes do you find inaccurate? Which ones do you think are real?

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