Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Thanks Time

At Thanksgiving time we are supposed to give thanks for various blessings in our lives. Given that most people are too distracted to think about what is good for them, it's not bad idea to reflect. So I will do that for you today, but not about the normal, common, everlasting things we are obviously aware we should give thanks- our family, people who are special in our lives, having enough economic means to live comfortable, our good health, the laughter we hear every day etc. I want to reflect on things that are less timeless, current ones, yet just as important as the ones I just listed as everlasting.

Most of them are serious ones, but some may seem frivolous. That's because life is both serious and frivolous. Those who live in either world (the serious and frivolous) too much suffer as a result. Here are a few of things I am thankful about this year.

* That I am not addicted to the modern technology that has enthralled and enslaved most of humanity today. I have no cell phone, no I pod or I pad, no electronic readers, not anything at all except a land line phone a regular TV and a desktop computer. They give me pleasure without addiction and I am certain if I had none of them I would be just as happy as without them. Yet, I see so many others whose happiness depends on their being "connected'" during every awakened minute of their lives.

* That I am neither a fan of reality media nor a reality "star". I just don't like them or what they stand for and wouldn't ever want to be one or to waste a precious second of my life observing them. In short, I give thanks that I am, like so many others, not too involved with popular culture, so much so that if I were I would live my entire life within it and miss the real and better world outside of common culture.

* That I am not anybody running for president or holding high political office. I wonder who today would willingly want to subject themselves to the vicious mud-slinging and character assassination that goes on in the presidential race or the hateful criticisms and venom spewed once elected. I am thankful not to be or end up a Gaddafhi or Saddam, nor to face a life of infamy as George Bush must do each day.

* That political correctness still eludes me. I don't believe in the silly, but trendy, not Global Warming nor the campaign against "bad foods" (the ones that taste good). I am happy I don't feel any guilt over the fact that I believe that I don't have to "save the planet" or apologize to anyone for not being born a minority member in my country.

* That I am not a Muslim female living in a fundamentalist nation. Uh, I don't think any explanation beyond that sentence is needed.

* That I appreciate the past and treasure many of what remains from it. I think having historical reference and appreciate helps me to discern the important from the trivial, the substance from the flash.

Perhaps you can relay to me some modern things for which you give thanks. If so, I can only say "thanks".

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