Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tattoo Barbie

Guess who now has a tattoo, or many tattoos if you would prefer her that way and apply the extras to her? It's Barbie. Yep, the same Barbie that girls a have been playing with for more than 50 years. Then newest version of the doll comes with a bunch of sticker tattoos the child can apply on her forehead and neck or in unmentionable spots to make her look....well..."seedy". Barbie-maker Mattel has said the tattooed Barbie provides a way for kids to "be creative" with the doll.
The 'Totally Stylin' Barbie also comes with a fake tattoo gun and ink tattoos so the child can apply tattoos to themselves.

The reaction from parents isn't particularly endearing. Tattooing may be more mainstream for many adults now, but children should never tattoo their bodies. There is a suggestion that this Barbie does encourage "deviant behavior". Being somewhat deviant myself I have been pondering some suggestions for Mattel to take this whole realistic movement in Barbie over the top. So here are my suggestions for more alternative lifestyle Barbies that Mattel can try to sell.

* Biker Barbie- This one wears the dirty Hell's Angel outfits and is a used women for more than 20 bikers. Mattel can claim that Barbie is merely a "lover of motorcycles"
* Tranny Barbie- "Is it Barbie or is it Ken"? Parents can be advised it view this one as a lesson for little girls in "perceptions".
* Obese Barbie- This Barbie isn't the long, lean blonde we have come to know. She is more in the mode of Rosanne Barr or Queen Latifa. The doll can be a nutrition lesson for the little ones, but comes with play donuts, chips and super sized burgers that fit neatly in Barbie's mouth.
* Terrorist Barbie- Just what any Muslim child would want. This shadar and thobe wearing Barbie shows no skin, but plenty of guns and explosives are in full view. What a great recruiting tool this will be for all Muslim parents!
* Drug Dealing Barbie- Forget designer dolls. This one is a designer dope dealer. In this modern world when mom and dad are so medicated on their legal drugs, why not provide little Sarah with the drug awareness education she will need to also become addicted to legal or illegal drugs?
* Pierced Barbie- Nothing better than turning sweet Barbie into a heavy metal slut. The boys might even play with this one!
* Hooker Barbie- This one comes with a large pack of condoms and can be marketed as a sex education tool for the little ones. Who wouldn't want Barbie to be their sex ed instructor?

Now....if they would just sell some contemporary Ken dolls too...

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