Thursday, November 10, 2011

Celebrity Marriage

Reality TV "star" Kim Kardashian, one of those people famous for nothing, recently announced her marriage of a grand total of 72 days is over because of "irreconcilable differences". Wow! That wedding cost $10. I don't know much about Kim, as I have never seen her on a reality show (I don't watch them) but she must be famous for having an idiotic TV show that lasted longer than her marriage. Even my marriage lasted longer than 72 days.

But alas! Kim's poor excuse for a marriage is actually is a long one compared to some other Hollywood celebrities. Remember when Britney Spears (who has about an equal amount of talent to Kim Kardashian, I think) married that Jason Alexander guy. That marriage lasted only 55 hours. And another one of dubious talent, Drew Barrymore was married to a man for only about a month some years ago.

It's not just the no talented celebrities that have short lived marriages. Former NBA basketball star Dennis Rodman was married to the indescribable Carmen Electra for only nine days. It just goes to show that the life span of a typical celebrity relationship is more often shorter than that of a really bad fad …uh... like , sued jackets or MySpace. Statistics show that about 90% of celebrity marriages end in divorce.

Well, celebs have very busy lives and don't make enough time for their relationship. Also, some Hollywood couples cannot survive the limelight, the lack of privacy and are put under pressure which puts further pressure on their relationship. Too, those "stars" have big egos that translate into their loving themselves more than they can love anyone else. And, let's face it (and Kim may be in this category), some celebrities marry for the attention it gives their career.

I guess it just proves that when it comes to marrying a film star there is often no Hollywood happy ending.

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