Thursday, November 10, 2011

Anyone Can Vote Here

How out of control is illegal immigration in the United States? One way to find the answer is to look at the latest Obama administration absurdity on the subject. First it was an order by his administration a couple of months ago to immigration police that they are not permitted to enforce immigration laws and may not arrest and deport illegals unless they have committed a felony, then the Obama administration ordered that identification such as drivers licenses would not longer be asked of a voter when he shows up at the polls to vote, and now it is an order from the president to require that 248 counties and other political jurisdictions in 25 states (those states are over-run with illegal immigrants) provide bilingual ballots to Hispanics and other minorities who speak little or no English.

Yep! They are going to print election ballots in Spanish so the non English speaking illegal immigrants will vote for Obama in the Presidential election next year. Never mind that it encourages voter fraud, that a person who can't speak or understand English should not vote for candidates and issues with which he or she is totally uninformed due to the lack of English skills, and that those Mexicans and other Hispanics who illegally immigrated here should be speaking English because, if they are a naturalized citizens, english fluency is a requirement to become a citizen under the naturalization process that gives one voting rights.

If a person who is a citizen in an English speaking country like the U.S. can't read and write English he or she shouldn't be allowed to vote. One who doesn't understand the language of the nation, can not be an informed voter, as everything he knows about the issues involved in the election is being filtered for that "voter". What other country in the world provides other language ballots? None!

So, the U.S. government that requires foreigners to know enough English to become a citizen, now assumes that a citizen may not be proficient enough anyway to vote? It's crazy. Since Obama is in grave danger of losing the next election, by pandering to the Hispanic vote this way he may be able to eke out another win. In essence, he is throwing his country in the trash in order to be re elected. His justification that federal law, the Voting Rights Act, mandates bilingual ballots doesn't play out though. No president has "enforced" that provision like this one is now, and the law may be unconstitutional, anyway. It has never been tested with a challenge in court.

In order to vote one must be a citizen, yet illegal immigrants often forge documents to circumvent the law. Thus, the many illegals who already vote will be joined with more illegals in the voting both, encouraged by this Obama mandate. Surely, they will all vote for Obama and his regime, given that one favors their plight.

People can live here without learning a word of English. That's their prerogative. However, if you want the right to vote, you must become a citizen. And in order to be a full functioning citizen, you must learn the language. To me, it's obvious. Besides, why Spanish? I know that it is a large minority, but I also feel that if you are German or Thai or Italian descent, then you might ask yourself if are you then being discriminated against?

Twenty 23 U.S. states have passed English only voting rules, and all have been upheld by the U.S. courts, but the 27 states that have not are subject to Obama's non English ballot mandate. In the end they may see the outcomes of elections there determined by the votes of illegal immigrants. people illegally in the state controlling the politics of it. How sad is that?

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