Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Christmas Creep

I think Christmas must be trying to kill Thanksgiving because Christmas seems to creep more and more into Thanksgiving that we it's taking over the turkey and trimmings.. The so called Christmas Creep is the phenomenon that leads more and more retailers to push their Christmas and other holiday goods out onto the floor before the first Halloween trick-or-treater's even hit the street on October 31st.

Even before the sale (the day after Halloween, Nov.1) on Halloween candy begins many stores have Christmas candy for sale as well. Sigh....I fear that while riding and trapped in an elevator that I may one summer day hear "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". It used to be there was a big day after Thanksgiving sale for Christmas shoppers, one day only and limited to the major retailers. now there is a huge Thanksgiving Day (no turkey eating allowed, because there is shopping for sales at the mall instead), now there is a national holiday shopping rite starting Thanksgiving Day and extending every day thereafter driven by alleged" sales". Retailers are hoping an early jump on promotions will allow them to steal some business from competitors who aren't yet offering similar deals. I wonder if Christmas has just morphed into one huge shopping frenzy.

Many shoppers love the idea of a Christmas Creep and a bigger Christmas shopping season. They pull out decorations after Halloween and throw Christmas at us before we welcome it. A BrandIndex survey conducted this year shows that one-third of shoppers had already started shopping for holiday gifts. Nearly half expected to start before Thanksgiving. (What happened to the male shopping idea, the one that says why worry about gift shopping until Christmas week?).

What I liked most about Thanksgiving was the quiet lull before the storm of shopping ads. Thanksgiving is supposed to remind us to be more laid back and appreciative of what we have. Not to lust after material goods even earlier than previously. There are radio stations all over the nation now that start playing Christmas music after Halloween instead of after Thanksgiving. One national TV network (Hallmark TV) starts programming an all Christmas program schedule to start on the day after Halloween.

I don't think the Christmas Creep will slow down, so forget turkey and pumpkin pie and instead, start making plumb pudding and eggnog. Retailers are so desperate for holiday shopping dollars that they'll try just about anything to get a bigger chunk , including killing and burying Thanksgiving. It's something to NOT give thanks for this year.

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