Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Princess Diana at 50

The furor of the late Princess Diana is perplexing. It's strange the media still promotes that wretched creature. Churchill once called Russia "a riddle wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma". Maybe Russia is hard to figure out sometimes. But an even bigger enigma to me is what was going on with the late Princess Diana's 50th birthday last month. People all over the world celebrated her "birthday' 14 years after she died in an automobile accident.

Newsweek magazine did a hypothetical cover story showing a computer generated Diana at age 50, with speculation about what she would be like and be doing if still alive. Sigh..why care? Diana was a silly lady, who cheated on her husband, dished dirty in private about the royal family, engaged in selfish and vacuous activities....you get the idea. Diana was a kind of reality star before reality TV started, full of image with little substance behind it. Yet, millions grovel to worship her.

On her actual birthday anniversary "worshippers" left birthday cards, a cake, a collage and other mementos at the gates of Kensington Palace, where Diana once lived. It's like other media celebs who die young, there is a kind of idealization that defies logic but that seems necessary to some as an emotional lift. Too bad those idolaters could not worship someone worthy like Mother Theresa, instead of a figure like Diana who was almost entirely false image.

Maybe this kind of activities represents the age in which we live, the age of silly instead of substance. We can see that nw in the fascination of so many with latest Royal couple, Prince William and new wife Kate Middleton. What a furor over nothing that wedding was. But I guess it is an escape for those whose own lives seem to them as less than princely, and a harmless activity.

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