Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Devilish Pact

That paranoia and hatred toward outsiders that we see every day from extremist Muslims is bad, but what about the same from a Muslim nation's government? There is all too much of it too, and now the worst of the oppressive Muslim hating nations, Saudi Arabia, has made an agreement with an American airline, Delta Airline, that contaminates it too. Uhm, Delta Air might have to rename itself Devil Air. After Delta and Saudi Arabia joined in one of those airport partnerships between a nation and an airline from another country that are so common today, it was revealed that there are a few rather undemocratic, bigoted and downright hateful practices, that Delta has agreed to in order to have a foot (and make big money) in the Arabian air market.

Jews from any nation and Israelis, or passengers carrying any non-Islamic article of faith, will not be able to fly on Delta flights to or from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia bans anyone with an Israeli stamp in their passport from entering the country, even if the passenger is just passing through to make a flight connection in a Saudi airport. So now, American Jews who fly Delta are banned from Delta planes that go through that country. Also non Arabic passengers who fly on Delta to or from Saudi Arabia and have religious items such as Bibles that are not related to Islam are subject to having them be confiscated at the airport.

It's incredible that a democratic nation like the U.S. has one of it's larger companies agreeing to discriminate against it's own people. The very idea that there is an American airline service that would deny an American citizen in America access to their services because they are Jewish or have religious items such as a yarmulke, a cross or a priestly collar, is bizarre. I think the public reaction to the news of this hateful policy will make Delta withdraw from the agreement with the crazy Saudi's. But still, it should never have happened in the first place.

What is Delta's defense for practicing Muslim style discrimination? It has issued a statement saying that, "Delta must also comply with all applicable laws in every country it serves. Passengers are responsible for obtaining the necessary travel documents required for entry." Ugh...sounds like a press release 70 years ago that the democratic side who acquiesced to Hitler and his crowd before and during W.W.II made to justify their own discrimination. When making a pact with the devil that brings forth gold coins one can see a different rainbow. Delta may fly high, but it's Saudi route rainbow doesn't include non Muslims.

I wonder if the Saudi's and the rest of the bigoted Muslims would think it were ok to place similar restrictions on Muslims flying from the U.S. ? Suppose the U.S. government ordered its airlines to ban all items of Islamic worship on board any flight, as Saudi does ban any non Islamic icon.? Suppose the United States required all Muslims flying into, out of or through the U.S. to stop wearing traditional Arabic clothing when flying on U.S airlines? Suppose the U.S. prohibited Muslim prayers in public when in U.S airports or planes? I think the Saudi's might object to that kind of discrimination.

But of course, the U.S. would never practice such hatred, prohibit behavior and or oppress any of its Islamic citizens as the Saudi's do to non Muslims in that country. If anything, this deal with the devil that Delta Air has made shows us how making hate mainstream can contaminate just about anyone.

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