Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Vietnam Trip

I got back from Vietnam Wednesday. Some lines about my trip today, and some pictures as well. I had a great time and my Vietnamese friend was wonderful to me. She arranged everything and was with me most of the time I was there. We both had a terrific time and plan to see each other again here in Portland next year. We flew to the Hue and Hanoi and stayed in each city several days in order to see "all the parts of Vietnam" in addition to the Ho Chi Minh area where I was based. Some brief impressions I have of Vietnam:

- I find Vietnam developing rapidly, as the communists give up that system and institute more capitalism the a country becomes wealthier and more westernized. I think Vietnam is as westernized as are most of the non communist/socialist nations in Asia.
- The Vietnamese people seem to like Americans and westerners. The memory of the war seems incidental rather than important to most Vietnamese
- It's extremely HOT there! Too hot for me to be in Vietnam for extended periods. But it did give me a great love for the wonderful icy fruit smoothie drinks that I consumed while there. They kept me hydrated and satiated and were my favorite food of Vietnam. Overall, the quality of food I had (I love the street food most of all) was good.
- My favorite city in Vietnam is Ho Chi Minh City, a more industrial and vibrant city. The people were very friendly there toward others. If I ever walked alone in Ho Chi Minh, I could not walk very long before being stopped and engaged in conversation. Quite a few Vietnamese speak enough English to hold an understandable conversation.
- My favorite tourist site was the Cu Chi tunnels outside of Hue. They were used by the North Vietnamese fighters to hide from the South Vietnamese and American armies during the war. I did descend into one of the cramped tunnels, and have great respect for anyone who could actually live in them, as did those during the Vietnam war.
- The strangest sights were watching pedestrians (me too) dodge the endless motorcycle traffic that goes wherever it wants, regardless of any traffic rules and regulations that might exist (there seems to be no pedestrian right of way in Vietnam). Many times I crossed traffic while in peril as motorcycles raced all about me. If one is afraid of traffic he or she will never cross a street in Vietnam, for traffic from motorcycles is constant.
- Vietnam is an inexpensive travel sight, and the many young (and mostly broke) westerner backpackers give testimony to it. I stayed in hotels and took inexpensive flights while there. They were comfortable and inexpensive. Yet there is a growing high end travel industry in Vietnam now that caters to the more luxury market. Still, I think Vietnam is a good place for a budget minded traveler to be comfortable by staying in 3 star hotels, eating in local food stalls rather than upscale restaurants (though those are a great and not so expensive bargain too).
- Always wear shorts and T shirts whenever possible. The heat makes it sensible wear for the visitor unaccustomed to the heat and humidity of Vietnam. My wisest trip decision was to pack lightly and only informal clothes.

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