Thursday, August 11, 2011

No More Babies Flying First Class

Oh, I like a new fly policy Malaysian Air has instituted for its first class section (Yes, I know that I would not spend the money to fly first class....but it's still a good policy for those who do). Malaysia Air has just started to ban babies in the first-class sections of its jets, due to that annoying crying baby syndrome that passengers dread so much. It seems those high fare paying passengers in first class have complained a great deal about it and Malaysian Air has decided their business is more important than letting crying babies chase away the highest fare passengers. Hmmm Can the airlines also ban the adults who are crying because they didn't get their upgrades to first class? Haha It's just a thought.

This is a great decision that I hope will prompt other airlines to have more consideration for the general passenger crowd over the individual wants. Right now, flying is wholly undemocratic, favoring various kinds of passengers to the discomfort of the rest. Those passengers flying with babies can move to the rear of the plane where there is engine noise that will drown out some of the kiddy crying, which will be beneficial to the majority of the flying passengers. People who pay extra for their seats should at least be guaranteed a flight free from wailing kids.

There is an inequity one experiences when flying, and I have a few suggestions on improving the flight for all of us by stopping the privileges that are intended "for a few" mentality that the public is face with when flying. How about these things to make flying an experience that is more equal for us all?

- No more early boarding and special seating (the choice bulkhead seats are most often given to them) for "parents with children". Some of those "kids" are taller than their parents and one wonders why they need to have first boarding and seating privileges. If the child is over 2 years of age, he or she and the parents should board normally and not be given the best seats because they are younger.

- No more seating "upgrades". The professional upgraders should pay for improved seats, not be given them because they have to fly more often. The airlines can improve their profit margins (making the general passengers better off and more comfortable by having more resources available to care for the coach passengers) if they stop giving away expensive seats.

- Make passengers prove they are "disabled", need to be wheel chaired to their gate and given prime seats. In the U.S. just about anyone can get one of those doctor notes claiming disability, and the abuse of them with the intent of reaping special seating and boarding is a time delay and annoyance to the other flyers. The airlines should only provide such services for severely disabled passengers. The rest can pay extra for their tickets if they wish to claim disability limitation.

- Ban the use of cell phones while inside the plane, at any time...when the plane is in motion or even when it is not. Listening to idiots screaming on their phones is about as bad as the crying baby serenade. There is no necessity for anyone to use a cell phone on board, where passengers are trapped by space and must listen to inconsequential cell stupidity.

- Enforce the carry on bag rules. Letting some passengers drag full sized suitcases or extra bags on board delays the flight and also means some passengers have no place to store their carry-ons. When a passenger violates the carry-on limit he or she should be force to check in the bag at cost.

- Making people pay extra for a second seat if they are so obese that they spill into the adjoining seat. Who wants to sit in a seat with a fat guy leaning flesh to flesh the whole flight? Passengers should have the right to sit in a seat with normal space adjoining.

Well, those are a few suggestions to make flying a more democratic experience. Now it's your turn for some ideas too.

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