Monday, June 28, 2010

Vitenamese Grocery

I went to a big Asian market today, actually it is a Vietnamese market about 15 minutes from my house here in Portland. There is a large enough Vietnamese population in Portland that it is one of the bigger minority segments of the population. The same situation exists in New Orleans which has Vietnamese markets I have shopped as well.

But this one is very good, offering a wide variety of Asian (mostly Vietnamese) and non asian foods. I even found Cafe Du Monde coffee and chicory from New Orleans and an imitation that says it was packaged in Vietnam with an almost identical Cafe Du Monde container (even the same color) called 'Cafe Du Mont'. Odd, because the New Orleans Cafe Du Monde coffee company has been in business for over 150 years, long before the french enetered Vietnam and introduced chicory coffee to Vietnam.

Anyway, I sometimes buy imported Vietnamese coffee at Asian stores in New Orleans because it is of high quality and I like it very much. I bought the Cafe Du Mont Vietnamese copy (which was about 20% cheaper than the New Orleans brand) and am looking forward to trying it. If I like it I won't have to bring in New Orleans coffee and chicory or pay the high prices for the two brands I have found in Portland.

I also bought Hoi Ga (Hehe and you thought I couldn't speak Vietnamese!) for lunch from the small hot food vend section of the grocery. Since I am unfamiliar with so much Asian and Vietnamese food I only bought a few items I know how to cook or know. I need an Asian food guide or a hot Vietnamese wife to teach me more about those things.

This stores has great prices and good quality produce and meats, plus a big selection of items. Any store that sells duck with the feet still on is a good one. too, I like Vietnamese food best of all Asian foods. The sweetness in so much of it is right for me. I surely will patronize that whole market (it has restaurants and speciality stores in it besides the big grocery) while I am in Portland.

Mai mốt gặp lại!

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