Monday, June 28, 2010

Farmer's Market

Another Father's Day quietly sneaks by....kind of sad how dad is relegated to the back room and Mother's day is the featured attraction. The idea of Father's Day was conceived slightly more than a century ago by Sonora Dodd of Spokane, Wash., while she listened to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909.

Haha It figures, mom is always thought of first, even when inventing the concept of a day for dad. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart, a widowed Civil War veteran who was left to raise his six children on a farm. I wonder what Sonora would think if she could compare the attention dad's get on their day to mom on Mother's day.

I visited the weekend Farmer's Market in Beaverton (a city adjacent to Portland) yesterday. It's been cooler than normal in Portland this spring/summer, so the usual variety of local fruit was sparse in comparison to what it would normally be. But there were excellent raspberries and strawberries, including the Mt. Hood sweet variety I bought. Too, there were plenty of veggies, baked goods, organic items, plants, food for sale at by a number of vendors, artisan bakery stalls, organic meat vendors, wines for sale (the area has many white wine vineyards) live music performance etc.

Even though Beaverton is on the opposite side of Portland for my home I think in summer when the offers of local fruit grow larger I will again make the pilgrimage to the Beaverton Farmer's market. Also, the local U Pick farms will have an abundance of fresh fruits and veggies to try my hand at picking. I will use the very sweet strawberries I got to make a strawberry cobbler. It's nice to have access to so much high quality farm produce, especially since I have no intention of planting a garden here.

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