Monday, June 28, 2010

Grandma's 90th

We had an unexpected hail storm today. It only lasted a few minutes but the deck outside my kitchen was filed with pea sized hail stones. I love the power of nature. Do you too? Nature when angry or showing off reminds us that we humans are insignificant to the larger world. Perhaps the natural order would be more pure for the rest of life if humans were not here. We are not "needed" for the earth to live and breath. Too, nature is non discriminatory to all its creatures and it inspires our imagination.

The poet Emily Dickenson is a favorite of mine. When I see nature "act up" I am reminded of one poem of hers I like entitled 'I Never Saw A Moor'

'I never saw a moor,
I never saw the sea;
Yet know I how the heather looks,
And what a wave must be'

For some reason (It might be because they mistakenly think that I am a relative of theirs named "Maria Herran".... and herran is part of my E mail address), some years ago here at this hotmail address I got on someone's family mailing list. It starts with a man named Pete Shobe. I tried to tell him to stop and that they were mistaken about my identity, but every one in awhile I still get the personal messages from Pete and the other family members.

Today it was about Grandma Shobe's 90th birthday bash. Haha They surely wouldn't let me near her to corrupt grandma if they knew who I was. I only read one of the 20 or so mails about that birthday party because it feels as if I am a voyeur if I read other's mails.This goes to show why E mail can be the best and worst of communication. This kind of mix-up is minor, but what if someone mistakenly sends personal information to a person that can be stolen by the recipient and used for harm. I supposed that happens from time to time.

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA SHOBE..whomever you are. Should I send her a cake with a stripper in it?

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