Monday, June 28, 2010

Obama Follows

President Obama made his 4th trip to the Louisiana coast Monday. The popularity polls that motivate Obama and most other politicians are finally forcing him to at least pretend to attack the spill crisis.Every poll conducted no shows the American voters think Obama has fiddled while Rome burned. In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, taken Friday through Sunday, 71% of those surveyed say that Obama hasn't been tough enough in dealing with BP on the oil spill. Just one in five say his actions have been "about right," and a negligible 3% say he's been too tough.

I listened to a New Orleans radio talk show via the net to get the pulse of what New Orleans think about Obama's performance. 53% of those gave him an F and another 26% a D. Odd because he keeps pretending he is proactive. Bush II/Bush Light (Obama) is sinking in the oil crisis nationally as well.

The majority of Americans say the oil spill is an environmental and economic catastrophe, that some beaches will never recover from it, and that some species of wildlife, including fish and birds, will never return to normal levels even after the clean-up is completed.

The Obama administration has been sitting on its hands for 4 weeks while pointing at and blaming BP rather than mobilizing personnel, equipment and money that Louisiana and other Gulf States asked for is backfiring.

Ha! Louisiana may be small and insignificant to most, but it is the venue that destroyed Bush's credibility forever (his response to hurricane Katrina) and the one that is bringing Obama done now with this effete reaction to the Oil leak. In the lead or follow equation, Obama is following...following into a political disaster as messy as the oil spill he has pretended to care about.

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