Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Then And Now

As I am an old man now I was thinking the other day (old timers think allot and do little) about whether life is better for we who are breathing today than it was for the ones that we  visit in the cemetery. I have not quite come to a conclusion, so since I am confused let me confuse you as well by making a case for both views. Case one is that life is better for us than the last three generations. The explosion of invention and new technology makes it far more comfortable for us. When we are sick we receive better treatment and recover. Our technology makes life less boring today.

We have more free time to do more interesting things and we are less tired due to having to do strenuous labor (like tilling the farm fields). Medicine helps us live longer and feel better more often than those earlier generations. We have more opportunity today. We can travel more easily and more often and can be lazy without worrying about things get done because our machines do so much of what we used to do. All the modern inventions have made life better, proving that "the good old days" were really not so good.

Case two says we are worse off today. Life is more stressful and less meaningful. Instead of talking to each other, eating diner together and conversing about important things, we instead chat or post idiocy on cell phones. We are more informed on triviality, like actors and movies and trends and the reality world, but uninformed on the cerebral and what really should matter to us. We have closets of clothes, but dress poorly compared to the earlier times when a suit and tie was standard wear, even at sporting events.

We don't know our children as well because we don't relate to them anymore. Our kids are parented more by their technology than by their parents. Quantity has replaced quality. In those earlier times we knew what we believed. Our religion guided our life. Today our celebrity tweets enlighten us. Our technology is better today, but we are less free because of it. It enslaves us.

Maybe it' not fair to compare times because can only live in one. But those who do question probably do so because they feel some discomfort with or estrangement from our lives today. But perhaps those earlier generations felt the same way about their own lives. What do you think?

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