Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Free Me From Anti Glutenism

Something on the nutritional front hacks me off.  It's this gluten free craze that is based on lies and trendiness. Very few people have problems metabolizing gluten. A tiny percentage of people are allergic to it, and another tiny percentage have Celiac disease. We are talking about 1 % of the population with celiac disease and .4 % with any kind of allergy to wheat. Yet go to a grocery store and you'll see a huge number of products, frequently a non gluten section that offers "gluten free".. Roughly one third of Americans say they want to cut down on gluten or not eat any gluten products? But why?

Though some people might have non Celiac gluten sensitivity, gluten free diets are a fad. By the way, gluten is nothing more than a  natural protein found in wheat, barley, rye and many processed foods. But marketers and producers are in love with trendy left wing fads,.. They sell. I suspect if it became trendy to drink water for the toilet bowl there would be enough people mindlessly doing it to make it profitable for  producers to make toilet water food and drink additives.

Sadly, the more addicted the population is to cell phones and social media sites the more crazes like gluten free advance from the tiny number of people who really are allergic to gluten to a huge base of people who think they are. Today, almost 30% of people who shop in the United States buy gluten free food products. Amazingly, 41 percent of U.S. adults believe "gluten free" foods are beneficial for everyone, That's 29% wasting money on nonsense. But then humans can be easily brainwashed.

There are quite a few mindless myths about the necessity to not eat gluten. They include the theory that one loses weight when eating gluten free, that celebrities endorse it so it must be true, that if you feel bad it must be because of your diet, that not eating wheat means you'll be gluten free (Among other foods, gluten is in certain supplements or medications, in salad dressing, even in those awful veggie burgers), and that abstaining from gluten will make the skin  clear and problem free.

So they waste their money buying expensive gluten free products and harass people who don't (me). It's the "I'm going to save the planet by not using plastic bags" syndrome.  Fact is the anti gluten craze has been fueled by lack of education and by people who report that their health is improved after going gluten free. In fact, if they feel better it is mostly a placebo effect of thinking they will or perhaps because they eliminate excess carbohydrates from their diets that make them feel sluggish. Eating a gluten free isn't necessarily healthier, nor is it  a method for losing weight. Many gluten free products are higher in calories, fat, sodium and sugar because they need to enhance the flavor and texture to make up for the lack of gluten

A balanced diet is the best diet, and if you eat what tastes good and it does not cause an allergic reaction you are probably miles ahead of the gluten free nuts.

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