Monday, August 7, 2017

Calming The Body And Soul

The world in which we live becomes more and more dreary, contentious and unpleasant each day as humans who think they can remodel it with their technology or social planning ideas simply give many of us headaches instead. I feel one coming on just writing about this subject. But Alas! BBC network has a therapy for us to calm down those  anxious moments we experience in modernity. It's a web site that shows nothing but beautiful photography and sounds of nature, in several long installments that are said to calm us. Here is a sample, a 10 minute view of sights and sounds of the jungle.

Did that do anything for you? Hmmm I honesty say that beyond a minute or two it didn't calm me. It more reminded me that technology can even intrude on nature to the degree that it makes it seem ordinary. Therefore I have a few calming mechanisms to pass on to you, things that work for me allowing me to escape a world I increasing find disingenuous and unpleasant. Here are some of the things that calm me.

1) any video showing a cell phone user falling down a street drain due to the obsession of looking at one's phone , even when crossing a street.
2) skinny fitness gurus who tell us that we are fat, lazy and doomed to a short life span, who have massive heart attacks at age 30 simply because their "healthy regime" is in fact a stress on a body that a would prefer donuts to jogging at 4 am
3) health alerts that advise against being a vegan or eating trendy grains like quinoa instead of rice and whole wheat
4) any of those rare news reports that say that police are not evil, hate segments of the population and should all be fired from their jobs
5) a day without more phony anti Trump stories
6) eating a greasy hamburger, french fries and a thick whole milk shake..while sitting next to a heath nut who pretends his salad is "better for him" than my meal
7) naps, retirement and financial security
8) watching another empty headed celebrity caught in an act of hypocrisy after reports that he or she took their private jet to deliver a global warming speech to a gullible audience of equally empty headed, trendy worshippers
9) proudly using plastic bags at a store that is "environmentally sensible"
10) slapping the next person who says he or she is "saving the planet"

Gee, just thinking about those things is already making me feel better.

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