Friday, March 31, 2017

Bigfoot Did It

Need an excuse to explain a traffic accident you caused? There are all kinds and most police officers have heard them all, except one. Uh, I wouldn't recommend this one but it might be amusing for you read about it. According to the Moscow, Idaho town newspaper (That's Moscow, Idaho not Moscow, Russia), The Moscow-Pullman Daily News,   a  50-year-old woman from nearby Tensed was driving south on U.S. Highway 95 on Wednesday when she struck a deer near Potlatch. Nothing unusual about deer running across the highway and being hit by a car, you are thinking!

Right, but the woman told Sheriff's officials that she saw a Sasquatch (Bigfoot) chasing a deer on the side of the road while driving. She says she checked one of her mirrors to get a second look at the beast and when she looked up, the deer ran in front of her. She kept driving her damaged car to pick up her husband at work before reporting the incident at the sheriff's office after midnight.  The husband refuses to comment on the creature's (Bigfoot, not his creature wife) appearance.

Bigfoot made her do it. But the sheriff deputy who cited her with "reckless deer driving" (or whatever the charge would be in that case). He left Bigfoot out of the report by marking the incident as a vehicle versus deer collision, but did not report any evidence of Bigfoot. He's obviously a non believer. Maybe the driver should have reported a UFO instead. But then, when you are drinking heavily it's hard to think that preemptively.

Maybe it wasn't Bigfoot. It might have been a Hillary Clinton sighting since she is a monster and has been in hiding recently. Or maybe the woman saw the old movie classic, Harry and the Hendersons. In that one a driver crashes into Bigfoot and is able to make an entire b ad movie from the concept. No, I think alcohol was the monster that woman saw that night.

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