Tuesday, April 4, 2017

California Confusion

Here's one of those "this must be the apocalypse" stories. It would have been be unbelievable a 8 years ago, pre Obama. But in this age of wrong as right and right is wrong it is a symbol of how sick this society, and many other P.C. western societies are. A new bill was introduced in California's state Senate that requires nursing homes and similar long term care facilities to implement transgender bathroom policies. I'm not kidding! They want transgender bathrooms for the oldies. As if there is a clamor for it there. Better to give the oldies in nursing homes, depends diapers. They don't need or want transgender bathroom.

The bill is said to be likely to pass because....well...crazy is normal in the California left wind bubble of today.  It makes it unlawful to require transgender residents to use the biologically correct bathroom, and prohibits nursing home employees from calling residents anything other than their chosen name and pronoun. The pronoun thing is the California tendency to call people other than a name if they claim they are neither a male of a female. Additionally, nursing homes that assign rooms based on gender will be prohibited from assigning rooms based on biological sex, if the bill passes.

Wow! What would a 90 year old man do if he roomed with a 88 year old woman in one of those nursing homes? Probably fall asleep. I would want to fall asleep a lot if they stuck me in a California nursing home.  Earlier this month a California State Senator Scott Wiener introduced last week the 'Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Long-Term Care Facility Resident’s Bill of Rights', which he says is needed to protect LGBT seniors from discrimination. Section 1 of the bill argues that “many LGBT seniors are members of multiple underrepresented groups, and as a result, are doubly marginalized.” The bill devotes a whole paragraph to defining the term “gender identity” because in California ids based not on an anatomy but on political correctness.

I am not users many of the residents of the nursing home would now which rest room they used five minutes after using it. They probably are content to not pee on themselves and are laughing at the stupidity of their California lawmakers who seem to be full of ----.

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