Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Why Women Live Longer

That old male saying (we say it behind the backs of the ladies) that women live longer than men because women cause us so much stress we give up and die, is now up front. That's because a science web site, IFL Science, reported that just two of the world's 53 living super centenarians (people 110 and older) are men. Hmmm It's obvious that we can just look at people we know and see that they age at a different rate. Some age much more dramatically than others.  But this statistical fact that 51 of the oldest 53 people are women may be significant.

But why is the longevity gap between women and men so big, and how long has this been the case? To help answer that an international team of researchers is investigating the life spans of men and women born between 1800 and 1935 in 13 developed nations. They've found that there used to be no difference in death ages of men and women. It seems that women's superior longevity only emerged recently. Something in modern lifestyles may be the reason.  I wonder if they are killing the men with those forced marches to the mall! The Saturday, "Let's go to the mall" line is enough to kill any man who wants to stay in front of his TV and watch football games.

Ok, I am hallucinating with that theory. But studies show that before 1840, death rates were very similar between men and women. Ever since those rates began to change in favor of the woman outliving the man.  In 1880 thanks in large part to improved diets, vaccinations, and better health care, female death rates have dropped 70% faster than male ones, and heart disease seems to be killing men at a much more rapid rate.

One theory is that men may be more biologically susceptible to cardiovascular health problems, and their different weight distribution could play a factor.  The researchers continue to study to see if the differences between male and female biology, genetics, and lifestyles are the answer. But ask any of the men around you and if they are candid they will give a more anecdotal answer to the question of why men die before women. They'll tell you it's because they want to.  I say (but not face to face with any women, because she would kill me right there if I did) those researchers should consider the "Nagging Factor" for the reason men don't live as long. After so many nags the male heart just gives in and decides that f death might be preferable.

After all, we won't have to go to the mall anymore if we choose death....

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