Sunday, March 5, 2017

Playboy Is Nude Again

Maybe the world is drifting back to sanity again. After years of liberals gone too left and crazy, of political correctness and people with brain's so deadened from over exposure to mindless social media sites on mindless technology, the normality Gods are showing they have had enough of right being wrong and wrong being right.  How do I know this? The son of Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner, tweeted Monday that Playboy magazine is ready to return to the content that made it famous for decades. The latest issue now hitting newsstands says “naked is normal” in an attempt to declare that getting rid of those naked women shots for "serious" articles was just plain wrong.

“I’ll be the first to admit the way in which the magazine portrayed nudity was dated, but removing it entirely was a mistake,” said Hefner. "Nudity was never the problem, because nudity isn't a problem. Today, we’re taking our identity back and rediscovering who we are.” All those former subscribers who left the magazine when nude babes posing seductively were taken away from them would agree. Could this be a chink in the armor of political correctness, which in recent years declared girlie magazines to be degrading and objectifying. Maybe women will start burning their bras in protest of Playboy's return to its roots.

Perhaps this is one of those small trends by which we can see a new age in the culture, an age with less mindless political correctness and more boobs...or something.  Let's hope the first fold out isn't a celebrity edition, with Hillary Clinton posing. Oh well, she is so thoroughly forgotten it might give her the ego stroke she thought was bequeathed to her when she lost the presidential election. No matter to me if there is a "Crooked Hillary" centerfold. (I wonder if Hillary's anatomy is as crooked as is her ethics?) I never read those girlie magazines anyway.

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