Saturday, March 25, 2017

Changing The P.C. World

It's only three months into the new year, and as I am supposed to have faith in the future, today I'll mention a few of my hopes for changes in the politically correct world in which I am trapped. That is, in my dream I would like to see these politically correct things changed, for in their present state they are unfair, unrealistic or un American. And I mention just three today. I think all the senseless protests against the Trump election may have motivated me to strike out, not to protest march since I do not believe in that tactic, but to "protest rant" (I think I have coined a new, idiotic term) here.  So here I go with the first of just three changes (changes start first with small numbers) from PC to normality I would like to see in 2017.

I would like the media to stop calling illegal immigrants "immigrants" They are not. To be an immigrant one must have permission from the country he or she wants to enter and must be vetted for fitness to immigrate. Neither applies to people who break and enter into a country and claim to be "immigrants". The media likes to use the wrong term for illegal immigrants because by mixing that group with actual immigrants it confuses the public and eventually the public begins to think that an illegal immigrant is the same as a legal one. They are not. Good luck to Trump and his administration in stopping the mass invasion of illegals. I hope to see many deportations of illegals this year.

The second PC reform I dream of seeing is the change of  U.S. universities from liberal, in the bubble left, PC world insane asylums. No wonder so many of the young believe the nonsense of political correctness. The best educated of the young are brain washed at universities that are almost wholly the bastion of the far left. Name any professor in any American college or university and there is almost certainty that he or she is a far left, liberal Democrat practitioner of political correctness. The administration of those schools is even worse, practicing a reign of terror on any student or employee who is not a P.C. zealot. Is it any wonder kids are so out of touch with reality when they are brainwashed in nonsense at the country's colleges and universities? The PC view at universities is that most of the left would rather not hear what the other side has to say and would quite frankly chew off their own genitals in if they could shoot anyone who is in disagreement with them.

The third change would to erase the language of the PC world,  language which has changed words that are long time used and understood, but that are unsuitable to the PC agendas. By changing standard vocabulary into nebulous P.C. mush the P.C.ers  redefine terms to fit their own agenda. Once a term has been changed one only dares to use the older version, for he or she will likely be stoned to death with accusations that he or she must be a "racist" (another word the P.C. people have changed meaning of to now mean "anyone who does not accept P.C. belief").
Some common examples of language diversion P.C. people frequently use and demand that you use include: blind became 'visually impaired', short became 'vertically challenged', black or brown skinned people became 'people of color', sexual preference became 'sexual orientation', bums or hobos became 'the homeless', opponents of any PC belief became 'deniers',  a while male person became a 'white supremacist', little girls who are tomboys became 'non gender conforming', a critic became an 'unjust self-esteem reducer', wrong became an 'alternative answer', unemployed became 'non waged alternative operator'.

Sigh, I do feel better to rant about this, but I sure hope I don't wake up from my non P.C. dream.

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