Tuesday, May 3, 2016

President Jackson Trashed

Score another victory for mindless political correctness.  In response to cries from females and d female activists, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew announced that the U.S. government will put abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill, replacing President Andrew Jackson. That's right, one of the most popular and effective U.S. Presidents is being replaced by Tubman. Replaced....thrown away for ever. Instead of creating another $20 bill with Tubman, they are erasing the Jackson bill altogether.  According to the PC police Jackson is no good because he was a believer in the conquering of the American Indian tribes of the early 19th century. And as we have been told by the PC, all American Indians are sacred and all white males are the devil.

Lew has said his previous plan to put a woman on a bill would be just the first of many design changes to incorporate the theme of democracy in paper currency. Hmmmm I  guess the white male will be hung in effigy at the first printing of the Tubman bill. In this eras the majority is seen as evil and the minority as sacred. But the PC nuts are not satisfied with having only one woman on U.S. currency. Women on 20s, a group that had lobbied for a woman on the $20 bill, said it would claim victory only if the $20 bill was redesigned at the same time as the $10 bill, which is next in line for a facelift.  They want to take another evil white man off that one and put another woman in place. Otherwise, said group founder Barbara Ortiz Howard, "we see today’s announcement as only a vague commitment and a continuation of the now familiar message that women have to settle for less and wait for their fair share.

"Fair Share' is a strange euphemism for  disrespecting a great former president (Andrew Jackson), But then the female PC police aren't really interested in adding women to currency. Instead they want to eliminate all white males. Well, their message is usually a negative, angry one, not a positive, constructive call for change. The campaign to pretend that America's history didn't happen continues in this idiotic PC culture. Since the PC police decided it didn't like Jackson, their campaign to wipe out his memory has won a victory.

 But wait!, The early American heroes who are represented on U.S. currency lived by the customs of their time and now that offends today's politically correct task masters. So, the PC police says, let's just wipe out the fact that they existed.  Hillary Clinton praised the pick once the news broke. "I can't think of a better choice than Harriet Tubman," she said on Twitter. Uh, perhaps Hillary sees herself  a candidate for the next PC currency "correction".

Maybe her portrait should show her receiving bribes from her billion dollar campaign contributors.

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