Friday, May 6, 2016

International Naked Gardening Day

I just read about another example of why I am out of touch with the common culture, but glad to be. It seems that May is the month for naked gardening. It makes sense in that the temperature outside will be suitable, but why garden in the nude? But where will the cell phone addicts put their phones when they are digging into the soil?  If I participated, my plants would wilt and die in disgust. 

It seems that World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD) is an annual international event celebrated on the first Saturday of May by gardeners and non gardeners. I guess the non gardeners just like to look at the plants..or something. A web site I accessed to tell em more why I won't garden in the nude says that WNGD has become a growing annual tradition that celebrates weeding, planting flowers and trimming hedges in the buff. This year’s naked day of planting is the 12th annual celebration.  As the news of this celebration spreads, it has left other, more sane than I types, why  people want to garden naked?

Well, according to the group who founded, first of all, it's fun! Second only to swimming, gardening is at the top of the list of family friendly activities people are most ready to consider doing nude. Secondly., the naked gardeners say that our culture needs to move toward a "healthy sense of both body acceptance and our relation to the natural environment". Hmmmm If that is so shouldn't we also be naked at the local school PTA meetings? That would give us a better opportunity to improve our relation to the natural environment of that sexy teacher everyone leers at.

The Naked Garden Day crows further says that gardening naked is "not only a simple joy, it reminds us even if only for those few sun kissed minutes, that we can be honest with who we are as humans and as part of this planet. Wow! Naked is honesty! But how come the law says walking nude at the supermarket is a criminal offense? Why isn't that as honest as stripping for an azalea or petunia? It's all another reason my brain is confused by the modern culture.

WNGD says it  has no political agenda and is not owned by any particular group. It is a loose knit group of people all over the world who encourage others to garden in the buff as a way of getting back in touch with our humanity and planetary ties. They claim that if one feels their ancestral ties to the earth and all of the life on it, one seeks out how to live in harmony with that life rather than exploit or destroy it. What better way to reboot those spiritual bonds with mother earth, they insist, than to remove your clothing and nurture and interact with plants that provide us with so much beauty and sustenance?

It sounds like a sales pitch from a used car dealer, but who am I to protest others naked.  But if you want to show your assets to your plants and favorite neighbors WND says you can do with with others or alone inside your house. But after you have taken the Naked Gardening Day plunge they want you to tell others about your experience. And yes! You guessed it, the WNGD people ask that you post your naked gardening photos on one or more of those crazy social media sites. I am sure the neighborhood pervert will greatly appreciate your efforts.

 May the pot in your picture be filled with a plant and not a euphemism for your overgrown stomach.

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