Saturday, April 30, 2016

On Celebrity Boasts About Leaving The United States

The U. S.  2016 Presidential race will be, if nothing else, remembered as the most bizarre ever.  The remaining four candidates, two from the Democratic party and two from the Republican, each have the highest dislike ratio ever. And they are deserving of it. The "I dislike all of them" refrain (a sentiment which I share) is the most common sound one hears when asked which candidate is best. Because of his bluster and crude presentation, the media both loves (to so stories on him) and hates Donald Trump. To help the mediums promote the Trump is awful spiel are those air headed, ultraliberal, live in a bubble Hollywood actors and actresses. The "Im gonna leave" group usually consists of the least educated, post pretentious and most out of touch with real life members of the Hollywood society.

One example is an actress named Lena Dunham, who along with others of her profession has now threatened to move to Canada if he's elected president. Never mind dozens of left wing film performers did the same before George Bush won the presidency, none of whom actually did leave, Trump says he loves the idea of that self deportation.  In an interview Trump was asked about Dunham's comments  that she would definitely move to Canada if he's elected in November. “Well, she’s a B actor and has no mojo," Trump .

He then stated the obvious that other celebrities have voiced similar plans and that it all helps his campaign. "I heard Whoopi Goldberg said that too. That would be a great, great thing for our country if she got out," he said. "We’ll get rid of Rosie? Oh I love it," he said, referring to Rosie O'Donnell. "Now I have to get elected because I’ll be doing a great service to our country." Oh my.... as much as I would hate to vote for Trump, who I think is unsuited for the presidency, if those left wing Hollywood stars would leave as a result of his's something to think about.

Taking Dunham as an example we can see their motivation. She has been has been an active supporter of the inveterate lying, pandering  for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign. At an awards show in New York, she addressed the possibility of moving to Canada if there's a President Trump. "I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will", she intoned. Wanna bet on that!  I have a better bargain to make with the Dunhams of the Hollywood scene. If they promise to leave now, I'll vote for whomever they wish. At least I can be certain the stench in the air will be lessened  when they move.  But then, I am not sure Canada is willing to take in a petulant brat like Lena.

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