Saturday, April 2, 2016

Dying April Fool's Day Tradition

I survived April Fool's Day this year.  No one played a single joke on me, which is a mixed blessing because it means I am either too esteemed to be pranked or I am too irrelevant to be the subject of a simple AFD joke. Hmmm It's probably the latter. But I was thinking about that curious day, about how it has changed from what it was when I was a child. I think April Fool's day is like AM radio, it's a dying species due to lack of interest. But why?

It might be that we play fewer silly jokes on each other today because political correctness does not allow anymore for much humor. I suspect every April Fool joke today "hurts the feelings" of the pranked too much to risk pranking him. My goodness! If a person is not a white, Caucasian male today, one dare not do or say anything in jest against he or she. The targets are too few and far between today to expend the energy of creating an April Fool's joke. Maybe that's why I never hear any of those Polish or Italian jokes anymore. That's sad.

On April 1st there should be amnesty on all laws relating to defamation and political correctness-apart from those encouraging violence. I should be able to tease a woman, or member of a minority and, yes, even a transgender person. Wait....I forgot that the transgendered being is the sacred being. Better exempt that one form the amnesty. April Fool's Day could become the one true day of freedom and equality, a day in which people are not "special" because of their minority status. But then, could it happen that way?

I guess the April Fool joke is on me, because I suspect society is too far gone into political correctness to ever again see its members be able to laugh at and with each other at the same time. And, sadly, that's no joke.

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