Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Movie Texting

Which age group more frequently goes to movie theaters? It's the so-called millennial age group (the young and stupid). There is not doubt that the younger crowd, who grew up with visual technology in their blood stream, read less and watch movies more. In the United States, far fewer people go to movie theaters anymore. The expense, the annoyances the movie-goer is subjected to, the vacuous nature of most films the target  audience is the teen, and the content clearly bores most adults) have made movie going a dying pastime in the U.S.

Hmmmm How should those movie theaters bring in more ticket buyers to see their films? One bad idea that giant theater chain AMC Theaters suggested it would implement, and the quickly retracted after an avalanche of complaints, was to allow movie-goers to text in the theater. The movie theater chain first said yes to in movie texts and them announced "no way"  to allowing those phone addicts  to text during movies. Originally the "thou shalt text" in  movies nonsense was considered to attract more millennials. But even some of those movie-goers realized the chaos that would result from such an idiotic idea.

"We have heard loud and clear this is a concept our audience does not want," said AMC Theatres CEO Adam Aron said in a statement.  Originally, Aron he suggested making some theaters friendlier to movie-goers who want to use their smart phones while watching a movie. But he came to his senses after the barrage of complaints about that awful idea. "When you tell a 22-year-old to turn off the phone, don't ruin the movie, they hear please cut off your left arm above the elbow," said Aron. "You can't tell a 22-year-old to turn off their cell phone. That's not how they live their life."

So AMC will focus on other plans to entice more consumers to go to the movies, including investing more than $1 billion to enhance theaters and their systems. Better they should try more intelligent scripts, and try to make movie going  once again an adult experience. Aron now says in reaction to the texting during movies idea, "With your advice at hand, there will be NO TEXTING ALLOWED in any of the auditoriums at AMC Theatres, not today, not tomorrow, and not in the foreseeable future."

Score a small victory for civilization. The virtual lost to the sensible. I love it. And apparently most moviegoers agree. According to a national survey conducted by PEW Research, 95% of Americans polled said it's not OK to use a smart phone "at the movie theater or other places where others are usually quiet." Maybe the anti cell abuse campaign is finally finding traction.

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