Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Are Pancakes Free?

One of my favorite breakfast meals is the noble American pancake. That's the thick flour based pancake, not the egg based crepe which I detest. But when I dine in a restaurant for breakfast I always follow the common sense rules and pay for my pancakes with a smile. Too bad one Natasha West from Chicago doesn't do the same. Even though she is 27 years old, Natasha seems to not understand that pancakes are not free, even at one of those "all you can eat" breakfast places.

It seems that Natasha likes to share her pancakes with an entire table of other non paying cheapskates. Natasha flipped out at a Denny's restaurant after the waitress told her what any child or person with the least bit of ethical standards should know, that she could not share pancakes with an entire table of freeloaders. It was a$4 all you can eat, and cheap food attracts the refuse of the world more often than regular cost meals. After Natasha loaded several plates with stack of pancakes and was confronted by her waitress she became "irate" and started swearing and swinging her fists at the waitress.

None of the blows landed on the waitress, but it gave cover fro pancake thief Nastaha and her freeloaders to run out of the restaurant without paying, only to stop to kick the restaurant door several times (powerful nutrition in those pancakes, I guess) in an effort to show the restaurant that pancakes should be free. The restaurant manager called police, who tracked down West and her dinner crew in a car a short time later. They were taken back to the Denny's where restaurant employees positively identified them. One of West's friends paid for the food and, the good news is that Nasty Natasha was arrested and charged with assault. 

I mention this incident because it is becoming more and more common today. When people are given too much and too little is expected of the they turn into the Natasha's of the world. Let's hope the judge gives Natasha some jail time to learn about  right and wrong, and perhaps serve her nothing but pancakes while she is in the slammer.

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