Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Most Annoying

Today's remarks are directed about and toward what we in Portland have way too much of- the environmentally conscious, politically correct, mindlessly liberal, backpack/sling addicted, judgmental and protesting imbeciles. I can't figure out how they function, or even why. I can't even find a noun to name them. They may be from another planet, because they have never accepted the restraints and realities of earth. They are the ones who eat only organic foods for health reasons, but abuse their bodies with drugs as often as they can afford them.

In Portland we have hordes of this type, they who campaign for the legalization of marijuana, while at the same time advocating that cigarettes not even be allowed in open outdoor spaces. It does not figure, but then logic is a rare commodity for them. Since few of them seem to have ever learned to think for themselves, they have no ability to distinguish between a  proper protest or cause and the trendy ones they adore, as in "The War on Women" (There is no such  war here),  "Income Inequality" (They don't understand that capitalism is all about income inequality and self actualization) or  "Police Abuse" (In fact, the criminals are abusing the police more often than the police abuse them).

It's not hard to understand why they are so utterly out of touch. It's because they live in their own bubble, not in the physical world they inhabit. The real world is too unpleasant for them and won't pay attention to their nonsense. That's why you'll often hear them parrot the slogans that make them feel self righteous. They can be heard saying, "The debate of global warming is over" or "Jesus was a hippie". I think all the technological devices they use may have impaired their brains. Instead of hugging their children and encouraging them to go outside and play with other humans, these dolts hand junior an ipod so they themselves can log on to their own escapist technology without distraction.

Maybe the favorite cause of the Portland version of these creatures is the bike path.  They love bike paths and demand that budgets for road maintenance give equal funding for installing more bike paths adjacent to the city roads. This is problem because it leaves too little funds to repair and build the highways that 98% of the population use  (only about 2% of Portlanders use the bike paths). No wonder that Portland has the country's best bike paths and some of the country's worst roads.

I probably should end these remarks right now because they will most certainly be "offended' by my remarks. They want censorship of anything they deem "incorrect thinking", because, well only they know what is right.  I do hope that they find a bike path that will release them from their bubble.

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