Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Another Technological Annoyance

It was bound to happen. I am not sure if it is the end of civilization, but it's at least close. What do I refer to? addendum to the technology I most hate, the cell phone. It's the so called "selfie-stick.  The selfie-stick is a long expandable poll, which allow users to hold their cell phones a few feet away so they can snap pictures of themselves, admiringly, I guess. No more do self absorbed types need  to bother passers-by to take their pictures, no more fretting about strangers taking lousy shots or running off with their phones (darn it!).

They claim is that the selfie-stick allows narcissists to take clearer, wider shots of themselves so they can post them  on their social media, to the annoyance of the rest of us. But what about the interaction that came with politely asking a stranger to snap the photo? Is not travel about meeting and conversing with locals? Just as the cell phone tends to cut off relationships, even awareness of the "real" world, in favor of a restricted "connection", the selfie-stick does the same.  Our electronic technology tends to limit our interaction with the culture as a whole in favor of our own private world. Selfie-sticks a in keeping with that and probably why those who find the self absorption of them as unappealing as I call them the "narcissi-stick".

Selfie-sticks are just showing up at tourist attractions in many destinations all over the world.  The selfie-sticks range in price from $5 to $50. Simpler models merely grip the phone, so users must trigger the shot with a self timer on the camera. But the fancier ones use Blue tooth technology or connect the phone to the stick with a cord, with a button on the grip triggering the shot. Here's a cnn video abut Korean government reaction against the selfie-stick that shows you how those things work

So is the selfie-stick another annoyance reflection of modern narcissism or just a clever tool for better mobile photography? Hmmmm I suggest if you use a selfie-stick that when you're done taking a picture you can hit yourself in the head with your selfie-stick. It might know some sense into you!

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