Thursday, January 29, 2015

Least Favorites

My financial adviser called the other day and said "It's time to update your will". Ouch! It's like being reminded to have the prostate checked or that your least favorite relative is coming for a visit. You know it's inevitable, but you would like to go to sleep while it happens.  Wills are a great thing when death does come, but like everyone else I don't want to be reminded that I am mortal.  Making a will is one of those necessary but least favorite things.  Yes, you're going to read some more of my least favorite. Feel free to reply with some of your own.

We are all so different in perspectives that one person's dread may be another's non event. Hmm, for example, I like my dentist appointments. No, it's not because of that sexy dental assistant who massages my gums...uh, that's another different story I best leave unwritten. It's because I am fascinated by dentistry, thought about studying to be a dentist when in college, and because I know how regular maintenance of the teeth dramatically improves not only the teeth, but the general health. To those who fear dental procedures I am a nut...but we already know that. I suspect my mental condition is unrelated to teeth or dental appointments.

For me, besides will making, some other least favorite things include:
- rap music (no need to elaborate.... all other rap haters understand)
- dancing (even my father hated it.... I know the dance floor is where the ladies are, but they also stop dancing and come off it.  I'll meet them there)
- political correctness (it's a sign that the PC human is a non thinking being..... dare I say "global warming" advocates are terminally afflicted with PC)
- cell phones (they are the indication that civilization is dying)
- religious zealots who try to convert (they should be crucified)
- new year's eve celebrations (the ultimate artificial celebration about "nothing")
- reality TV (name one way any of those abominations resemble reality? they make me want to resign from life...which is why I need to update my will)
- special privileges for the elderly, minority races, the wealthy or anyone (life is hard enough for the unprivileged.... you make it harder when you anoint privileges)
- people who give their car or phone name (I suspect they don't even know the name of their human children)
- men who wear suits all the time (stop pressuring me to get out of my t shirt and oversized athletic pants)
- those car alarms that scream out when I get near (no one pays attention to them other than being annoyed by "step away from the car" and other idiocies they speak)
- phoning a business, being put on hold and forced to listen to music (I thought that was one of Dante's levels of hell....I wonder if it's my future)
- anything trendy (trendy people are usually the most stupid people....I pray one day they all turn into sheep and go out to pasture)
- patriotism (let me act on the basis of reason, not artificial duty)

Well, those are a few of my least favorite things. any comments from you are welcome, but your comments are sometimes on my least favorite list!

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