Tuesday, January 13, 2015

More Islamic Hate

Thou shalt not apologize for opinions. That should be an Islamic commandment. But it's not so among some sects of that religion. You know which ones. The world knows, But few humans inside it will speak out and condemn the intolerance and hatred of those groups. The Parisian massacre of 12 journalists at the headquarters of a humor magazine, Charlie Hebdo, that parodied  "The Prophet" Mohammed, was the second attack on freedom of speech against that magazine (In 2011 Charlie Hebdo's offices were firebombed after a cartoon made fun of issue of Mohammed). France has been more than welcoming to so many Muslim immigrants, for this to happen there is beyond sad.

Even in the very real face of this murderous violence, the question facing all journalists, thinkers and artists is this, shall the pen be mightier than radical Islam's sword? This is no time to stop drawing  cartoons about Islamic nuts or any other deranged and evil faction that threatens humanity. The martyrs in Paris who died for the right of free speech are showing us that we ought to speak out even more against intolerance and hatred, especially if it emanates from hate groups lie the perpetrators of this carnage.  The only good to come of this horrific assault on humanity is that it further aids us in identifying the haters and their hateful followers for what they are.

And who should lead the charge against those who practice madness in their Muslim theology?  I suggest it is the ones who have been most quiet in the face of Islamic extremism, the mainstream Muslims. They might stop and think why their religion has been redefined by those crazies who have found refuge within it, all while they twiddled their thumbs and pretended not to see. Strange, when Nazi's ruled Germany and later so much more of Europe in the years prior to and after the start of W.W. II, Christians pretended in the same way as they watched Jewish people slaughtered.  Humans do sometimes have a tendency to run from a  fight they don't see is their own. But all fights against fascism and intolerance belong to all of us, directly or not.

And the best, fairest response from we who are not Muslims to this inhuman attack is to promise that we will defend freedom of speech every time it is threatened, stop bowing to those who claim offense and the right to kill in response to being "offended:, and stand up to every thug that thinks, for whatever their perverted reasons, that they have the right to silence others because of an imagined "offense".

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