Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Suspended For Having An Imagination

A 7 year old boy was suspended from school for throwing an imaginary grenade at imaginary bad guys. Did the school do the right or wrong thing? I hope you didn't have to think too long about that before saying, "Of course not". In Colorado 7 year old Alex Watkins, a student at Mary Blair Elementary School, was reportedly alone while playing a game in which he was trying to “rescue the world.”

So he imagined he was throwing a grenade at the bad guys to do it.... oh my....he even made a grenade sound when he tossed the imaginary grenade into a box. “I was trying to save people and I just can't believe I got dispended," Alex said. It’s called ‘rescue the world.’ I pretended the box, there’s something shaking in it, and I go ‘pshhh.” Wow! He's so young he thinks he got "dispended' instead of suspended. Can that 7 year old destroy the world the way Mary Blair School administrators think?

But the school( and every public school in the state of Colorado) has a list of “Absolutes,” that when violated may lead to suspension. This list includes “no weapons (real or play).” The list is intended to make “Mary Blair a safe environment,” say school officials. I am not sure how old 7 year old Alex is, but I think the adults who run the politically correct schools are damaging those kids way to much with such stupidity as the "absolute policy". The days of playing at recess in schools, of using our imaginations and developing well because of it are no politically incorrect behavior.

And to think as a child we used to play cowboys and indians with both imaginary and toy weapons. In today's politically correct schools I would probably be put to death for that.
Maybe it's time they started teaching and stopped turning kids into institutionalized robots.

I wonder what happened to common sense. When 7 year olds play we should regard them as normal. Alex isn't a 15 year old who threw a live grenade, he's still a baby. Imagination is a critical part of childhood. To deny it is abuse. School officials and the state legislature in Colorado should be ashamed of implementing such a stupid policy.

I suggest a firing squad be formed to deal with all of them ...and I don't mean an imaginary one.

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