Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Anniversary Of The Fall O The Berlin Wall

This year is the year of the 25th anniversary of the end of communism in Eastern Europe, as symbolized by the tearing down of the infamous Berlin Wall. Those of us who remember the October and November 1989 months in which the Soviet Union let it's satellite Eastern European countries go their own way, recall that the end of Communism meant a possible end of conflicts among nations. It of course, did not.

For decades, the wall, built by East German officials allied with the Soviet Union, stopped a flood of East Germans from going to the West. The communists used to claim that their was was not meant to keep the locals from defecting to the west, but rather to keep westerners from coming in and "infecting" the communist state or just because westerners would flood the communist countries in order to enjoy "the glories of communism" . That's somewhat like Islamic militants enslaving their populations with intolerant, hateful versions of the religion because "God wills it".

Anyway, built in the 1950s, the wall was shored up over the year while East Germans brutally punished those who tried to escape the country. More than 136 people were killed or died while trying to cross into West Germany. Over the years the wall was fortified and became a symbol of how thugish rule can overwhelm the desire for self rule and freedom of choice.
Today's version of the "Berlin wall" might be the fanatical Islamic Muslim enslavement of whole populations in Muslim countries, as in the Isis movement and an innumerable number of other maniacal Islamic sects who have over run mainstream Islamic governments. There may be no physical wall, yet the control the militants have over their populations is even more brutal than the old Soviet communists.

The Soviet Union fell due to internal, structural decay. The great irony of it was that despite all the threat of war between the Soviet communists of the era and the west, not a single shot was fired between the two. Today, the west engages the Islamic militants with gunfire in an attempt to control it. But that policy has brought forth little success.  Perhaps the west should disengage and simple wait for the corrupt Islamic movements to self immolate. The very nature of them makes them hard to sustain, and surely Muslims in the enslaved regions will eventually push for their end.

Whatever, government structures come and go. When Islam liberalizes and expels the nuts who have temporarily taken mainstream Islam as its prisoner, there will probably be a new world threat/annoyance to take its place.

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