Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Make A Difference Day

Did you miss it as I did? I just read that millions of people took part in the nation's largest day of volunteerism, something a called 'Make A Difference Day'. We were supposed to volunteer for  various charity/public service projects. Hmmm Why do we need a special day for that? Aren't we supposed to do that year round when we have the time and inclination?

They volunteered and actually worked in such jobs as  cleaning parks, working with local animal rescues etc. Nice. Anyway, here in the U.S. where Make a Difference Day started and is far bigger, individuals, corporations, universities, communities, states and nonprofit organizations The event started in 1992 when Gannett Corporation, through it's popular newspaper U.S.A. Basically, it asked people to spend a day doing something good for someone else. The response was overwhelming and has since expanded. Hmmmm Maybe I can get them to mow my lawn.....

Charity is great, and one can not be truly fulfilled in life if selfishly sealed from sharing and contributing. But the fact that organizations have to ask/beg people to volunteer is a great difference from earlier generations which practiced a more silent and consistent volunteerism. So because we might today be too absorbed with ourselves or with work, or with the gadgets and distractions of modern life it might be a good idea after all. 

Make A Difference Day is a chance for humans to come together for the common purpose of doing good and helping others. Uh, instead I should have written for a MEANINGFUL common purpose. The word meaningful seems to be shrinking in our world of spending hours each day playing with our cell phones or other electronic devices that in actuality separate us from each other more than bringing us together.

So maybe we ought to spend a few minutes each day picking up trash, pulling weeds on public property, donating food to the local food bank or whatever else might make someone we don't know a little more happy to be on this earth.

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