Sunday, October 27, 2013

So Unpopular

Like most governments the U.S. government is universally distrusted and disliked.  I think even the best democratic governments (I don't claim that ours is best) is perceived warily by the majority of voters who elected it. Isn't that ironic? They hate what they choose and over and over and over. It's no surprise these days that the U.S. Congress isn't very popular, even..believe it or not....much less popular than our current incompetent president. 

A new poll says voters have a higher opinion of witches, hemorrhoids and jury duty than their lawmakers in Washington.  Hmmm Hemorrhoids? I wonder how those voters know how one with hemorrhoids feels. Maybe they have hemorrhoids and that's why they keep voting for those awful congress men and women. Anyway, Public Policy Polling, asked a series of questions trying to gauge support for Congress compared with government run institutions such as the Internal Revenue Service, health problems such as toenail fungus, cockroaches and dog poop. Dog poop? Hemorrhoids? That Public Policy groups sure has strange thoughts.

Voters said they have a higher opinion of hemorrhoids than Congress, by 53% to 31%. Ouch! More than seven in 10 voters say they view jury duty more favorably than Congress, which received only 18% support in comparison. Even toenail fungus rates 3 percentage points higher Congress.
Overall, voters in  poll gave Congress an 8% approval rating. Nearly nine in 10 voters, or 86%, say they disapprove of Congress. They didn't ask me but I'd have to vote disapprove too.

However, all is not lost for our legislative branch of government. The poll says voters prefer Congress over Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan,  and  that crazy Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Come to think of it, any of those three would probably do a better job that those who now sit in Congress

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