Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Costumes

The National Retail Federation says spending on the ghoulish holiday is going to be down considerably this year, but some costume shops locally are reporting people have been planning their outfits since last month and sales are brisk. The NRF also says that the traditional witches, devils and vampires are  big sellers again this year.. But they also say it looks like you're going to see a whole lot of "twerking" on the streets  this year.  Probably one of the biggest costumes, at least for some people, is going to be the Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke outfits from the MTV video music awards, the one where that "I want to be a woman not a kid star" Miley got nasty with  her tongue

With the economy down on Halloween spending decisions mean that  fewer people are planning to get involved in dressing for Halloween. Whereas last year some 71.5% of people across the nation said they would costume, it's expected to be 65.8% this year.  Even  pets will be dressed this year as Fido will not be as scary.  So instead of spending al their money on looking like Dracula I have a few other less expensive and more unique costumes for Halloween. How about these?

* An Obama Supporter- you'll be in an original costume since there aren't many Obama supporters left
* Viagra Man- make sure you wear loose fitting pants
* A Kardashian Girl- requires deadened brain, loose morals and an obnoxious personality
* A Muslim Terrorist- Oh wait....we already see too many of those before and after Halloween
* Global Warming Man- you just stand next to the first person you see, act pretentious and scream "It's Global Warming and we're all going to die"
* The Tour De France Bike Racer- Wear one of those weird bike outfit and inject plenty of steroids
* The Priest Molester- I am not sure how they dress so just ask any of your local priests how they do it
*  The Reality TV Contestant- There is one caveat to wearing this costume. In order to wear it you must not have a shred of talent
* Yourself-  well, no offense, but you can do way better than that.

Happy Halloween!

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