Thursday, October 31, 2013

Costume Choices Explained

Now that Halloween is over it's time to psychoanalyze those costume wearers out there. Yes, this is a the age when the subliminal is supposed to be the motivation for our feelings. So, according to psychologists say that your choice of Halloween costume can say a lot about your personality. One of them, Psychologist Wendy James, has come up with a guide showing which costumes different personality types are likely to choose and there are reasons why different people choose the costumes they do for Halloween. James says that our costume choice isn't always easy to decipher. Surprisingly, she says that those in a gross or scary costume, like a zombie, are people who don't like the limelight, while those who dress up as a celebrity really like attention, as do women in very revealing or sexy costumes. 

She says those who choose to dress up as a political figure enjoy being a little bit controversial. Hmmmm My favorite costumes are political parodies. But I always thought I did it to make fun of those idiots that we elect to ruin our lives, not because I want to be controversial. Maybe I should schedule an appointment with a shrink to find out if I want to be controversial. Yes, I know....I'll ask the psychiatrist to examine my many other problems too. 

Here's Dr. James view of the why of costume choices (with my stupid an analysis added)
*Celebrity-The Dr. says that outgoing individuals tend to dress up like celebrities because it almost guarantees they'll get lots of attention. But why would anyone want to be a Kardashian girl or Miley Cyrus? That kind of attention is the negative type.
•Gross / Scary- Horror is popular in pop culture and if a person goes for the gross and scary costume she says, chances are they will be low key individual who doesn't seek the limelight. I find it hard to believe that a person dressed as Frankenstein doesn't want attention. That character isn't exactly a guy who would blend into a crowd.
•Disney / Cartoon Character- She says that this is a safe choice that is G-rated for all audiences. It's a people pleaser and often worn by someone who doesn't prefer to rock the boat. Maybe....but I find that, shrill voiced, stinky rodent Mickey Mouse to be nothing but a rat.
•Super Hero-Kind hearted individuals tend to flock to these costumes as they wish to help others and be seen as making a difference, she says. Or maybe those costumers are living in the clouds. Pretending that Star Trek characters are real is not exactly helpful.
•Funny / Original-When you see a costume that make you look twice or three times, chances are the wearer of that costume is an A-type personality and highly creative individual who probably spent the past 9 months creating their costume. Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Maybe they bought the already made costume on line or a second hand  one at a thrift store
Political Costume-These people enjoy being a little bit controversial. Considering how unpopular congress is today, anyone who would dress up like them probably enjoys being scorned and reviled. People who dress up like members of congress this year should probably seek professional counseling. Well, this is my typical costume and all that seems to be right. Maybe this doctor isn't wrong after all. What's the number of a good psychiatrist I could see?
•The Pimp- The doctor says that  this one is likely worn by an insecure man who's acting out his fantasy of dominating women. It's really not an original costume and is often a choice for the uncreative types. In my view,, that might mean the pimp costume is the most normal of all for males.
•No Costume-In traditional psychobable talk Dr. James says that this no chocie is a choice of people completely out of touch with their "inner child" or those who feel they are too mature to be dressing up in costumes. Or, as I see it,  it could be they just don't like Halloween.

I'm confused. Next Halloween I just might be the "Naked man".

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