Sunday, October 13, 2013

Please Change Into Something Appropriate

I think the culture here may have hit bottom. While grocery shopping today I just saw another tattooed lady, an un bathed "person" dressed in dirty pajama pants and a message T shirt that was inscribed with vulgarity, and a fat guy in shorts too short T shirt and thong shoes. I think this decline in standard of dress may reflect the cultural decline in the U.S., manifested in the lack of manners and awareness by so many of common decency. The sloppy dress may be the symptom of to all as America goes down the tubes in T Shirts and jeans.

I do like T shirts and wear them often, but they ae clean and worn with appropriate pants and shoes. And I also dress well when the occasion calls for it. Most people used to do that. Just look at photos of everyday dress before 1960 and you will see that it was standard for the male to wear a suit and female to wear a dress even while at home. People used to want to dress well because it made them feel special. Further, when Americans stopped dressing well for "special occasions" the number of special occasions they attended fell dramatically.

Now we wear casual clothes almost every day, and as a result, we rarely look special. I think it might be better to rise above the ordinary everyday casual wear or we condemn ourselves to become ordinary or perhaps, less than ordinary. I suspect that when we deteriorate by appearance we also deteriorate as people. Just as buildings that are dirty, have broken glass in windows, are are surrounded by trash quickly worsen in condition if not cleaned, so do humans decline into sloppiness from poor dressing habits.

Hmmmm Maybe you should see what I man. A popular web site, people of wal mart, that shows the decline of culture in ordinary people better illustrates this. Posts taken by Wal mart shoppers are added every day and are beginning to look more and more familiar to what I see on the streets  Click on the link below and see for yourself and post your own comments about what you see....and make sure you are well dressed before peeking.

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