Friday, August 9, 2013

That Royal Baby Thing

Thank goodness the "Royal Baby" has finally been delivered. No, I don't care about royalty or their babies. I am just sick and tired of reading and hearing news about them. I wonder why the culture here in the U.S. (and maybe in many other nations?) is so obsessed with the birth of Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton's first baby. The British monarchy is an anachronism today that plays no role in the lives of those who live in Britain, much less in the United States. Yet media driven daily reports of the pregnancy and birth have guided so many into investing so much of their time and energy into it.  What a waste of time. Maybe this is just an extension of the "Reality TV" mentality in which the frivolous is elevated to the important in order to fill the dull lives of the viewers with a diversion or too.

I tried to ignore the whole birth thing, but it is impossible for one who reads news to do so. The birth, like so many other non news events, has been elevated to a higher status than the incidental event it really is. It reflects how so much of the news today is entertainment blurbs rather than information important to the reader or viewer. So to read and watch legitimate news today means to sift through the trivial mess that fills newscasts today. Yes, the birth of the royal baby is a trivial event.  But I guess the many who worry about royal births are like the people who dress in Star Wars costumes and attend Star Wars conventions. They elevate the inconsequential to the important in order to make their boring lives more bearable.

Actually there are a lot more things that I don't know about the royal besides their babies, and I have no desire to know about them. I do know, however, that generally these are people without any particular skills, virtues or accomplishments. They live a life of privilege,  luxury and glamor by birth and marriage, or more accurately by the mass' base urge of voyeurism. I love babies... but only have interest in those that I know personally. Count me out on being interested in this royal birth or in any other baby which impacts my life not at all.

I find this hype about royal babies all quite extraordinary. The media do try to make this appear as if it actually means much to humanity, but even the symbolism of it is irrelevant. The royal baby is actually composed of the same organic matter as any other human. Sigh....maybe the women of the royal family should have their royal tubes tied. Now that would be a fun story to follow!

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