Friday, August 9, 2013

Happy Birthday T's

There is a 100 year birthday this year. No, I'm not that old. It's the 100th birthday of the T-shirt. In 1913, the T-shirt as we know it first appeared as standard issue gear within the U.S. Navy. Finally, the military did something constructive. Anyway, this means the T-shirt itself is just a little older than some of the T-shirts I wear. I am sure that I would be lost without my T-shirts, given I have always loved them and that I made the T-shirt my official garment of wear after I retired. I have a closet full of them and most days they are the main fashion option I use.

A recent survey of 1,000 representative Americans who are at least 18 years old, that revealed 95 percent of Americans wear T-shirts and  that 89 percent wear T-shirts at least once a week. Nearly nine in every 10 Americans (87 percent) own at least one T-shirt they refuse to “trash” because of a sentimental attachment (proof in the old male adage that "a good T-shirt is better than a good woman"). Those surveyed said that  they have 13 T-shirts they hold onto for that reason. Most commonly, these shirts are from a group of which they were a member, or shirts commemorating a major event (But I hate having to look at al those "I was at Woodstock T's).  Finally! There is proof of something good about Americans.

Only fashion snobs hate T-shirts.  I always say I never trust anyone who is too well dressed or who hates T shirts. Fortunately, few fit into that category. If you also weird and like T shirts there is a survey you can take at a commercial T-shirt seller site that even has a T -shirt forum Face book link attached.

T-shirts come in all types of material  (cheap cotton being the favorite). designs, colors, with or without messages etc. If someone thought about it, it's on a T -shirt somewhere. I feel T -shirts are a microcosm of what people think and feel everywhere. In fact they are so universal, the same T-shirt might be seen in  such diverse spots as both Paris or Timbuktu. Of course, the T-shirt makes more than a fashion statement. It's become perhaps the most popular way to make other statements as well, whether it's to show where you would have gone to school if you had the money (Harvard), where the Hard Rock Cafe was you visited on vacation or that the person you're with is not particularly intelligent ("I'm with stupid").

They surely are a personality related item. Look at what a T-shirt wearer has on and you probably have an indication of his or her personality. Uh, take my own case for example. I have one that has a large clue less looking smiley face and the words "I Smile Because I have No Idea What's Going On" written on it.  People tend to smile back and recognize how clue less that I really am. Wearing that concept on a T shirt beat having to show them with my odd behavior. I have many other weird message T shirts in my collection but you already know I am a mental case, I won't share what they say to prove it!

So Happy Birthday T-shirt! You are one of humanity's greatest inventions.

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