Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Biggest Liars

In honor of our recent presidential election in which President Obama proved to be the bigger liar and, as a result, the winner of another term comes the annual Bridge Inn (London) Biggest Liar contest. Sigh, but Obama and his kind aren't eligible. Politicians and lawyers are barred from entry, as they are considered to have an unfair advantage. What a shame. Obama would clearly win.

Anyway, the contestants have five minutes to impress the judges with a whopping but convincing lie. Since the event is held in a pub they are mostly fortified with beer when making their presentations before the judges. Last year's winner was nuclear power plant worker named Glen Boyland (Unless he also lied about his name), for a story about racing snails with Prince Charles. As dull as Prince Charles is I can believe it is true.

And what profession can probably should skip the contest since most of us believe they are possessed with honesty? A Gallop poll two years ago found that nursing is the most trusted of all professions. 75% of people asked which profession is the most honest said nurses were the ones to count on. 70% had a high regard for the honesty of pharmacists and doctors. Grade school teachers also ranked well, at 67%. Americans consider car salespeople and members of Congress to be the least ethical. Only 9% of those surveyed say the members of Congress have high ethical standards. But you probably already knew that.

Uh, I trust you believe everything I wrote about this.....

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