Sunday, November 4, 2012

Trick Or Treat 2012

Halloween 2012 and trick or treat was marginal for the kids in the neighborhood. It rained all a day, but just before nightfall it stopped and the kids did have the opportunity to put on their costumes and trick or treat. I enjoy handing out the goodies to them because it makes me a child again and reminds me of how my mom would make a ghost outfit for me (that I sometimes tripped over when running house to house on search of the candy treats) and my dad would escort me and my friends on the trick or treat. I always thought my dad enjoyed it more than the kids and when I started taking little Jane I realized he and I both did.

I always give out good and copious amounts of candy and novelty items. The kids appreciate it and will remark year to year that "we like to come to this house because you give "good stuff". In addition to individual treat bags of candy I also handed out: glow sticks; Dracula fangs; Halloween pencils, Halloween puzzles and Halloween activity books; Halloween stickers and Halloween stamp kits.  Surely the kids met at their friend's home after ending the trick or treat walk to trade candy and toys.  I can remember Jane and her friends sitting on the living room rug, candy all about, as they traded their least favorites for something better someone else got. I also remember how I asked for a few pieces when I saw my favorites on the rug. Adults love to see the candy swap because it is an opportunity for them to get "the good stuff" too.

The costumes the kids wore this year were good and there was no single type or identity that predominated. I saw few movie or TV personalities this year and more of the traditional costumes. Also, there were an equal amount of store bought and home made costumes. The youngest of costumed kids seem most proud of their outfits, so I try to compliment them from time to time on their costumes, and even pretend to b e scared by the little Dracula or wolf man trick or treaters. Haha Thanks God there were no Lady Gaga or Honey Boo Boo costumes this year.  I am already sick of the real life versions.

Anyway, Halloween is over and in 4 weeks Thanksgiving is next on the holiday agenda.

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