Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Do They Want To Leave The U.S.?

How bad is the Obama administration (and congress)? Well, bad enough for some of the states to want to leave the U.S. and become independent nations.  Petitions seeking secession by citizens in every state have been filed on the White House web site asking the Obama administration to "peacefully grant" the states withdrawal so they can create their own government. It won't happen, since no state can leave without the permission of the U.S. government, but it does reflect the dissatisfaction with the U.S. government and direction of the country (toward being a European style welfare state).

The latest to mention succession is a big and powerful state, Texas, that probably be one of the few that could make it on their own if it did become independent.  Texas has the world's 15th largest economy. More than 25,000 people have signed the petition in Texas. "The U.S. continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending," the petition says. "The citizens of the U.S. suffer from blatant abuses of their rights." I think a substantial number of Americans would agree with that statement and with the fact that the Obama administration has been negligent..about half the population if one looks at the voting from the presidential election.

Ok, this succeeding thing is only symbolic, since the Supreme court long ago ruled that no state can secede without the approval/permission of the others. But it shows that Obama will be in for a rough second term as president. And perhaps it is the first protest against the welfare entitlement system that President Obama has pushed the past four years.

The greatest conflict in this country today is the battle between the givers and takers. The givers work and pay taxes, while the takers live off welfare benefits supplied by the taxes the givers pay. During the past four years under the Obama program the number of people taking "free stuff" has risen to an all time high, while the number of tax payers is at an all time low. At some point it may become financially unfeasible for the takers to contribute so much of their funds for the ever growing taker population. If so, the U.S economy will screech to a halt.

Maybe Texas and those other states have the right idea, abandon the sinking welfare state ship before it falls to the bottom of the sea.

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