Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Towns And Cities To Avoid

I was driving the other day and again saw that sign directing me to "Boring" Oregon. No, it didn't want to make me go there. But it got me to thinking about some of the other silly town names here in Oregon and in my native Louisiana. Oregon and Louisiana have many more crazy named towns than do the sedate states like Nebraska, Ohio, Indiana and other places no one wants to go to unless they have to. But they also have more than bigger states like New York.

So after researching the crazy names of cities and towns in all 50 states I have no conclusion as to why some states have more silly ones that others. But in general, given there are exceptions to the rule... as in boring Kentucky having a huge number, the more dull the boring state the fewer funny town names. States where people are more laid back and have a good sense of humor produce more wacky named towns and places that are conservative and religious produce far fewer.

When a city or town his given an odd or funny name it brands not only the place, but the residents of it. It's similar to naming a new born boy or girl something crazy. It's no wonder, for example, "Moon Unit Zappa", the given name to music great Frank Zappa's boy turned into a troubled child and adult. So if you name your child "Bambi", don't expect academic brilliance.
Here are some weird town/city names from Louisiana and Oregon for your next visit.

Beaver Creek (no the beaver's don't have title to the creek and in fact seemed to have left town. There aren't many beavers there anymore)
Bend ( as in bend over?)
Boring( rumor has it that the town lives up to it's name)
Bridal Veil (men avoid this place whenever possible)
Dork Canal (maybe my future home if I need to be out in a nursing home)
Funny Butte (I have yet to hear a butt tell a good joke. Maybe the funny ones are there)
Idiot Creek (no one has yet to claimed to be the founder of this one)
Poop Creek (be wary of drinking the water if in Poop Creek)
Wanker's Corner (they have seemed to put their wankers in the corner. I wonder why?)

Bayou Crab (What makes a bayou crab special?)
Belcher (crude place)
Brimstone (another name for sulfur, meaning this places smells bad)
Cut Off (I hope they don't cut off those!)
Dry Prong (not the place to go if thirsty)
False River (if you see a river you there are hallucinating)
Frogmore (it's actually nothing to do with frogs. It's an archaeological site of Indian mounds)
Glasscock (what cab a cock do with a glass love muscle?)
Loco (I know.( after writing about this subject I belong there)
Napoleonville (though named after one of the world's biggest ego maniac, it's a very small town
Vatican (the Italians don't even know it moved)
Waterproof (homeowners never buy flood insurance there)
White Castle (they must be clean people)

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