Sunday, July 29, 2012

Save Me From Safety Rules

One of the unpleasant aspects to living today, in the age of political correctness and government "protection" of our safety, is the policy of the government to protect us too much with crazy safety regulations that are costly and ineffective. No one, not even the government, can make life safe from accidents and no government should try. But they do because special interest groups that benefit from more expensive safety regulations insist. I think there is also a voting constituency (the global warming mentality crowd) that rewards politicians who pass stupid safety regulations, as in print on coffee cups that say..."Warning, beverage inside is hot".

How about those "child protective" medicine cap bottles that most adults can't open? They may prevent a small child from getting into a bottle of medicine the idiotic adult leaves within reach, but how many people die from not being to open and obtain their medicine when a life threatening emergency occurs. I think more of the latter than former happens.

Need more examples of stupid government safety measures? I just read that builders are non allowed to stand more than three rungs up on ladders when doing work, and that they must keep their body in contact with at least one rung. So this means they have to use expensive scaffolding instead of the standard ladder, passing on the costs to the consumer who uses the builder's service. That's just one of the tens of thousands of new safety regulations imposed (most of them nonsensical) in the U.S. the past decade to save us from whatever it is the government thinks threatening us.

There are many people who will be hurt every day doing normal activities in life. They might even be hurt getting out of bed in the morning. Please don't let the government know that or they may pass bed exit regulations too. Car regulations are often crazy. To be completely safe in cars we would have to stop using them altogether. And maybe crossing streets should be prohibited because so many people are hurt or killed by cars while crossing them.

Fact is, many of those the safety regulations just add cost and inconvenience to the majority of humans in order to protect the few idiots who need such things. I say to the government to keep the meaningful safety regulations everyone needs, like traffic lights and food safety inspection, but stop making rules to impress us that you are protecting us form imagined danger. If it did so we would see the vast majority of safety warnings and safety rules evaporate, and that would make our lives little less stressed and happy.

No law can make life foolproof. Life itself is about risk and adults should be able to access, react to and control most risks themselves. I wish governments would only regulate with safety measures the real risks instead of the almost impossible one. Hmmmm But perhaps they would even place a restraint on my idea on the grounds that it is dangerous protest about mindless control of our lives.

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